It's a guest book, but instead of pen and paper, you record voice messages! Let your guests share their message, and hear the emotion in their voices forever after your event.
How it works
After we book your date, our team contacts you to help you record your greeting. We put your greeting on the phone and deliver the phone to you, a day or two before your wedding.
During your wedding, your guests simply pick up the phone, hear your recorded greeting, then leave a message after the beep.
A week after your wedding you receive all the messages left by your guests. You can listen to them whenever you like, we can even provide a cute mini-radio to listen to them at any time.
Rent a physical phone from us to set up at your event. Your guests pick up the phone handset, hear your greeting, then record their message. After your event, our team processes the recordings. You are provided with a download of MP3 audio files. A phone rental includes a virtual phone number.
Rent a virtual phone number. Share this number with your friends and family who can't be at your event. They hear your greeting and record your message. You can also use ONLY the virtual phone number and share it via email. This is a great, budget-conscious option.
Purchase a mini-radio to play back all your messages after your event. Turn your digital recordings into a physical product that you can touch and hold. A great way to commemorate your event.
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Hi there! Jay here. My mom had heart surgery in October of 2021 and that changed a lot of things...