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Featured Valle del Cauca

5 people you don't need to invite to your wedding. Agree?

María, on December 21, 2016 at 11:05 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 20

Brides and grooms,

Lest's face it! If your guest list is huge and your venue capacity or your budget isn't, you may need to make some cuts to your guest list and it is never easy to remove people. That's why I want to help you with some ideas of people you don't need to invite Smiley shame

Do you agree? Who is out of your guest list?

1. Kids

2. Co workers

3. Plus Ones

4. People you don't know

5. Extended family

5 people you don't have to invite to your wedding. Agree?


Image: Pinterest



Latest activity by Shannon, on January 10, 2017 at 22:38
  • Shannon
    Devoted June 2020 British Columbia
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    I am not inviting my extended family (my fh might invite his and thats fine) as i have practically no contact with them, we are extending limited plus ones and inviting very few kids.
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  • Melinda
    Devoted September 2017 Ontario
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    There are a few people who I don't want to invite but that I will have to invite, so here's a rant about that.

    My FH has no relationship at all with his sister for multiple reasons. However, she is still close to his Mom and Dad and so we feel like we have to invite her. I am so close to my siblings so I always felt bad about him not wanting to associate with his sister. But...then I met her (once in our 4 years of dating) and she was stupid drunk the entire time and I started to understand where he's coming from. In any case, we will invite her because it just feels wrong not to. However, she also has a l** boyfriend who she has been with for several years and is the father to 3 of her children. I would really like to not invite him, but I'm not really sure if that is an option. It sounds really bad, but we are having a small wedding of 30 people and neither myself nor my FH has met him (and don't have any plans to) and to me it seems wrong that I am not inviting some people that I actually like, but I am inviting some l** I've never met.

    The people at my work already told me that I am being too judgemental (probably true) and it would be completely rude to not invite him. Maybe if I was having 100 people it wouldn't be a big deal, but we decided family and close friends only and he doesn't fit either of those categories technically. On the plus side, he probably won't be able to come since someone will have to stay home and look after the kids. So, there's definintely a chance that he won't come. Then we won't look rude and he still won't be there.

    Anyone else feel obligated to invite people they really don't like?

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  • Rory
    Frequent user August 2017 British Columbia
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    Strongly agree.

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  • María
    Featured Valle del Cauca
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    Luise, this sounds amazing! You think in every detail Smiley winking

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  • Louise
    Devoted September 2017 Quebec
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    We will be having around 6 kids from the ages of 2- 12/13. They can sit with their respective families. 1 of the kids does not speak english so she will want to sit with her mum. We will definitely have some kind of entertainment for them to keep them occupied.
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  • Victoria
    Beginner October 2017 Ontario
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    Our photographer is going to bring some props with her for the booth
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  • María
    Featured Valle del Cauca
    María ·
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    This sounds very fun!! Love the idea Smiley smile

    Did you choose a special theme? Are you DIY the props?

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  • María
    Featured Valle del Cauca
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    Hi Louise, you make me think about all the hours we spent at the office, so true haha Smiley laugh

    Since you are inviting kids to you wedding I suggest some actitivies for them, have you think about it? I love the idea of placing their private table:

    5 kids table ideas

    9 ideas to entertain kids at your wedding

    5 dessert ideas for the kids

    How are your preparations so far? Smiley shame

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  • Victoria
    Beginner October 2017 Ontario
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    We are doing a silly photo booth for our guests to take silly photos during the reception
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  • María
    Featured Valle del Cauca
    María ·
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    Hi Victorya, welcome! Smiley heart

    Your wedding sounds beutiful, I think small wedding are very enchanted and comfy. This way you will be able to spend some quality time with every guest. Im sure you woll love this ideas for them Smiley smile

    Guests activities: Caricature artist vs. DIY Cocktails

    Fun ideas for your guests to take part in

    Have you think in any activity for your guests? Do you think they will like one for fun?

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  • Victoria
    Beginner October 2017 Ontario
    Victoria ·
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    We are only inviting close family and a few friends. Keeping our wedding very small.
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  • Louise
    Devoted September 2017 Quebec
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    I am inviting a few coworkers that I am close to. After all I spend more time with them than I do at home with friends and family. 40 hours a week at work will do that. We are inviting a few kids- they make the party.
    We have plus ones for people who are in a serious relationship.
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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
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    We cut out kids except our 2 nieces who will be our flower girls. We don't have extended family or my wedding would be hundreds of people with my parents being divorced and re-married. We wont be having people we don't know as any plus ones we are extending are to people who have been together a long period of time and don't have random hook up dates coming! I have co-workers coming but only 8...5 of them don't even work there any more and I hang out with all 8 of them as we are best friends outside of work!

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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
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    We have cut coworkers and I don't think there is anyone one or the other of us doesn't know. Plus ones are also gone depending on how you define them. If I know the name and they have been around for a while then they will get their name on the invite but I am not giving every "single" person a plus one. I am willing to be a bit flexible on this if someone can make a case for why the person needs to attend, but I have been dating them for a week and didn't want to attend alone probably won't make the cut. We are inviting extended family on my side down to first cousins and their kids (most of my cousins kids are in their 20's and come with significant others as well) and on FH side mostly first cousins with a few of the kids if FH husband knows them well. Our wedding is mostly family with a few friends

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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    I agre with numbers 4 &5. For kids and plus one we allow that. For co-workers , they will only get invited based on how close of a relationship with have with them.
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  • Caitlin
    Frequent user May 2018 Ontario
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    We're allowing plus ones, mostly because a lot of our friends have been dating the same person for over a year, and the rest of them are married. We aren't inviting cousins as we already have 2 large families coming together. We won't be having children in attendance, except for my daughter who will be a part of the ceremony (FH will be saying his step-dad vows to her as well). FH is inviting one of his coworkers and his wife. Our guest list is sitting at 94 people with just family, and friends. Eeep.

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    Yup that looks like exactly what we did!

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
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    Love it... these people don't need to be invited! We have a few plus ones but that's about it! (I do have many old co-workers, but they are definitely considered friends and I see/talk to them on the regular)

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  • Katherine
    Super September 2017 New Brunswick
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    We have cut co-workers... possibly one person we don't know (his son's plus one)... would never cut the kids, they are the first ones on the dance floor and the last ones to leave and are a source of back up entertainment, lol, we are inviting 30 kids and have 10 confirmed... not sure what is considered extended family but have invited all the greats, uncles/aunts, and about 80% of the first cousins (my side, he is less close to his family)
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  • Melissa
    VIP June 2017 Ontario
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    HA! I love this Maria!

    We are inviting some extended family, because we are close with a lot of them....but your list is totally right!

    No kids, no Coworkers, very few plus ones, and zero poeple we don't know!

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