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Are your parents helping you plan your wedding?

Emilie, on March 7, 2017 at 12:05 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 17

Hi wonderful brides and grooms!

On today's theme of family, I thought of asking this question to see what's everyone's take on this. Smiley surprise

Are your parents helping you plan your wedding?

What are they helping with? Would you like them to be more or less involved? Smiley winking

Are your parents helping you?

Image: Pinterest


Latest activity by Stephanie, on March 9, 2017 at 16:37
  • Stephanie
    Devoted June 2021 Ontario
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    Nope just me a FH
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  • Melinda
    Devoted September 2017 Ontario
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    My Mom came with me to get my dress and I have been sharing details with her along the way. She is offering some opinions, but not too much. At first I was kind of offended, because I thought she would be more excited and involved, but I think she just doesn't want to interfere too much. In the summer I'll be getting my Dad to help build a few things since he is very handy with wood-working and my sister has offered to help with anything crafty. And I'm counting on my brother and sister-in-law to help with the set-up on the day of my wedding. We have limited time and I already told them that they are going to have to be in charge of lots of the set-up and they are happy to help. Oh and my FMIL used to be a florist so she is doing our flower arrangements. So, yes, lots of family help!!!

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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    xoxoxoxox Thanks so much Jessica!! it is definitely overwhelming, but trying to keep my cool! Smiley smile

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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    LOL your husband is a smart man... might have to do that LMAO!!! Smiley xd yes, thankfully David is just as shocked with their memory.. or lack thereof hahah

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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    Your welcome Sam! We will stick to our guns and go for our vision for the wedding!Smiley smile
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    Haha seriously! My mom had the worst memory when it came to wedding stuff! My husband had joked and said that we should have had her initial things after we told her so we could show her later that yes we discussed that! I swear we went over everything with our families but when it came to the week of the wedding, it's like they threw everything out the window. We were just like "are we crazy? Did we not tell them?..." That's when it's good to have your partner to back you up!
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    Thanks Simone! I know it can be challenging (we had a long engagement so there were a lot of discussions about our decisions during that time) but I think you'll be much happier if you stick to your guns! I think the problem is that they just don't see it like we do but once it all comes together they'll have that "Aha" moment. Stay strong!
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  • Jessica
    Frequent user June 2018 Ontario
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    You don't!! My mother is literally my best friend.. but we bump heads sometimes. Father and I especially. But it's YOUR day! And you should choose how you want it done, as I say.. ask questions and take every answer as advice. Nobody should tell you how to do your day. If you need something, you'll ask and therme s nothing wrong with that Smiley smile in my opinion... it's hard enough to get sometimes the FH opinion.. now you have to work in more!?!? Gets a little over whelming.
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  • Robyn
    Frequent user June 2017 Quebec
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    My mom has been really helpful and supportive for my wedding planning. I am so grateful for her. Even though we live 14 hrs apart we talk all the time and she helps me with whatever she can!
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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    I know this can be a flaw sometimes and this post (probably past posts too) will make me sound like an ungrateful brat (I really don't mean to be!), but I like being able to do and figure out things on my own. And I feel the same way about this stuff too. I know they want to help, and doing stuff to be helpful. While their suggestions are sometimes helpful and then i obviously appreciate them, I would prefer talking about non-wedding related topics until more things are figured out, at which point I will ask for help when needed. yep, I sound like a brat, but I swear, I don't mean to.... lol
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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    OMG. Yes. Ugh. Like you tell them, we're doing or thinking of doing it this way because of X,Y & Z, and they argue with you, then 2 months later, they're like, "did you know X, Y, & Z?? It's nuts! We're flabbergasted, we had no idea!", meanwhile I'm like ".......... Srsly?" Smiley ups Love 'em, but having the same discussion and argument is so stressful and ridiculously annoying. OK, sorry, rant over. Lol
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    I can say Sam, that's where I am right now and I am glad you shared this. It gives me hope to keep on going with the vision my FH and I have for our wedding. Kudos for standing your ground!Smiley smile
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  • Jessica
    Curious August 2019 Newfoundland and Labrador
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    My mom is not a part of my life. But my dad and his wife want to buy my dress and pay for the photographer. And my FH's parents want to help with the food/alcohol for the reception. None of them are particularly fussy/bossy about our plans, they know we will make the decisions that work best for us!
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  • Amanda
    Super August 2018 Alberta
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    I wish my mom was more involved. But she honestly couldn't care less. My dad is more into helping though. Lol. He and my FH actually made up most of the menu. i just wish my mom would be a little interested...
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  • Katherine
    Super September 2017 New Brunswick
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    My mom and dad are throwing us a rehearsal open house... I tell my mom all of our plans, in general she is super supportive unless my ideas are too big, she is excellent at bringing me back to earth... I don't expect her to do any of the actual work for the wedding... My sister is MOH and she is a super star... Anything I want or think about she is 100% on board even if it is not in her best interest... I have trouble delegating and she has taken a few jobs on herself and rocked them.
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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
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    My mom has offered to throw either a rehearsal dinner or a sunday brunch after the wedding. My 2 sisters are in the wedding party so they are helping with the jack and jill and the bridal shower. Other then that I have not had any help with the planning but I am okay with that as I like things a very particular way and I have enjoyed planning my wedding and knowing that my wedding will be a perfect representation of who my fiance and I are and that we don't have to settle for something we aren't in love with!

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    No we pretty much did everything ourselves which worked out for the best. Whenever I would talk to my mom about a decision for the wedding, she would argue it with me and while I know it was coming from a good place and that she just wanted to make sure we covered everything, it got REALLY annoying after a while. I did a TON of research before making any decisions so it was frustrating when she didn't trust our decisions. It was very rewarding when everyone finally "got it" at the wedding and they were like "I'm so glad you didn't compromise on your vision!"

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