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Cole & Kristie
Altona, Manitoba
Family Acreage
Countryside, Autumn
Jake & Ellen
Steinbach, Manitoba
Countryside, Summer
Dexter & Gabby
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Private Property
Ali & Patrice
Nenad & Tiffany
Lockport, Manitoba
Tentation Rentlas
Kyla & Adam
Anola, Manitoba
Aunt's Property
Natasha & Mitch
Glenboro, Manitoba
Parent's Farm
Kim & Bobby
Killarney, Manitoba
Parent's Place
John & Kayla
Gimli, Manitoba
Daria & Rick
Winkler, Manitoba
Brides Home
Lucas & Kelly
Rick & Renae
Riding Mountain, Manitoba
The Nine Restaurant
Dylan & Janelle
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dustin & Kelsey
Kevin & Jen
Morden, Manitoba
Winkler Days Inn