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10 Things Every Plus One Needs to Know

So, you’ve been invited to attend a wedding as a plus one? Here are a few things you should keep in mind.

Steve Gerrard Photography

Being a wedding guest’s plus one has plenty of benefits, but before you dive in, there are a few rules you’ll need to be aware of. From going with the flow to making introductions, these are the tips and tricks you need to know.

Here are a few things every plus one should know.

Don’t be demanding
When you’re a plus one, flexibility is the name of the game. Do you like a particular hotel better than the one the couple chose to book a block of rooms in? Are you itching to make a request for a meal change (even if you don’t have allergies or restrictions)? Well, unfortunately, you’re going to have to keep your lips sealed. Remember, you are the guest of a guest, not a VIP at this wedding, so try your best to go with the flow.

Dress appropriately
Now is not the day to don your most showstopping dress or suit. Choose an outfit that errs on the conservative side and save the short skirts and low cut tops for another day. The last thing you want to do is take attention away from the happy couple on their big day. Hint: if you’re looking for more tips on how to craft the perfect wedding ensemble, read this.

Consider putting your name on the present
Wedding gifts are tricky business. If you’re not in a serious relationship with your wedding date you can probably skip putting your name on the present. However, if the two of you have been dating for a long time you may want to get involved. Tip: no matter which route you go, sending a thank-you card post-wedding is a good idea.

Use your date as a social barometer
You may be new to these social circles, but your date is not. Before the big day, ask what topics are off-limits. As a general rule, a friend of a friend’s wedding is not the time to start conversations about politics or religion - you don’t want to cause a scene by getting into a heated feud with the bride’s uncle.

Introduce yourself to the happy couple
At some point in the evening the couple will make their rounds and greet their guests. This is your opportunity to do a quick introduction. Don’t want to bore them with your autobiography, just keep it short and sweet. Don’t forget to offer your congratulations and compliment something you particularly loved about their big day.

Get your ‘gram on
You may not be friends with the happy couple, but you know a good photo-op when you see it. Don’t hesitate to snap a few pics at the event, just try not to overdo it and become wedding paparazzi (there’s a professional photographer for that!). Remember to use the wedding hashtag so that the happy couple can see your beautiful Valencia-filtered shots later on.

You can skip writing in the guestbook
Writing in the couples’ guestbook is definitely not a must for plus ones, especially if you barely know them. If you’re in a longterm relationship with your partner, you may ask them to sign for the two of you, but it isn’t necessary.

Be a social butterfly
While you may only be familiar with one or two faces in the room, try your best to come out of your shell a bit. Yes, you may be tempted to stay at your table and sip champagne while scrolling through Instagram, but now’s not the time for that. Mix, mingle and enjoy the festivities with the rest of the crowd (just don’t steal the show).

Remember why you’re there
You are not the best man, maid of honour, or father of the bride, so don’t try to make any grand speeches or monopolize the happy couple for more than a few minutes. Your aim is to be the best plus one you can be, nothing more and nothing less. It’s fine to make a few new friends at the wedding, but you don’t want to be the guest that everyone is talking about.

Get in on the action
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself! You’ve been gifted a cost-free evening of dinner, drinking and dancing - the trifecta of good times - so don’t put it to waste. Sample the signature cocktails, bust a move on the dance floor and have a few lively conversations with your tablemates. You don’t need to be the centre of attention to have an amazing night.