5 Ways To Get Your Home Newlywed Ready
Plan on moving in before getting married? Check out our list of chores to tackle together to make the transition easier.

Get Rid of Dirt and Dust
Clean everything from top to bottom—the bedroom and bathroom. The two most important areas of your new abode. Plug in your headphones into your iPhone, play “Bye Bye Bye” by N’Sync, and sweat off the stress by placing a Swiffer duster onto every surface in sight. Then, vacuum and mop.
Upgrade Furniture
Go on a somewhat minor (okay, maybe major) shopping spree to purchase a new queen- or king-sized mattress along with a new comforter, sheets, and pillows. No bug beds allowed!
No Artificial Accoutrements Allowed
If it is plastic, it is prohibited from the kitchen. And we mean it when we say those mix ‘n’ matched plates, cups, and silverware have got to go! A family or friend is bound to buy that fancy china you put on your registry.
Put the Beauty Products Away
Now that you have to share a sink, it is likely that you need to hide all your feminine must-haves from foundation, blush, eyeliner, and mascara to blow dryers, straighteners, and that box of Tampons too. But keep out the acne spot corrector, who knows if your significant other will need to use it in secret sometimes.
Share The Closet
Cue the clothe-aholic. A good rule of thumb is to create three piles: yes, no, and maybe. If you have not worn in a year, then it is probably worth donating to charity.
Photo by Hello Inspira Photography