5 Ways to Make Your Mom Feel Special on Your Wedding Day
Even though she won’t be the one saying the “I dos”, your wedding day will be one of the most important of your mother’s life.

There’s no doubt about it, your wedding day is going to be a busy one. But don’t forget to involve your number one supporter, your mom, even when you’re stressed and hashing out all your final details. She’s seen you through all your ups and downs and this day probably means just as much to her as it does to you. From asking her to help you get ready to taking her for a spin around the dance floor, these are a just a few of the things you can do to make her feel extra loved on your big day.
Here’s how to make your mom feel special on your wedding day.
Let her help you primp and prep
Invite your mom to your dressing room to help you get all dolled up for your big day. There’s a good chance you’re going to need a bit of assistance climbing into your wedding dress and who better to help than your mom (after all, she did dress you for the first years of your life).

Wear something of hers
You know how the saying goes, a bride needs to stock up on something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Well, we suggest making that borrowed item something of your mother's. No, you don’t have to go all out and sport her wedding gown, but you could snag a piece of jewellery from her collection or ask to borrow her veil for your big day. This will make her feel included. And who knows, if you have a daughter of your own one day, maybe she can borrow it, too.
Do a first look with her
Your mom is probably going to shed a few tears when she sees you in your gown - you are her baby, after all. Instead of letting her help you get into your dress, have her wait until you’re all done up and do a first look with her in private. You may want to bring along a photographer, things can get pretty emotional and you may want a few pics to remember the moment.

Invite her to walk you down the aisle
While it’s tradition for your dear old dad to walk you down the aisle, there’s no reason your mom can’t sub in or tag along. Nowadays many brides invite both their parents to escort them to the altar, so don’t feel weird doubling down.
Dance with her at your reception
While it’s pretty standard for the groom to share a dance with his mother, the bride should also carve out some time to hit the floor with her mom. Pick a song that means a lot to the two of you and have your own spin around the dance floor. It doesn’t have to be a slow one - upbeat songs are a great departure from the status quo and will allow the two of you bust out some sweet moves together. Try not to get too embarrassed if she starts doing the running man or spirit fingers, just laugh it out and enjoy the moment.