7 Things Single Wedding Guests Can’t Stand
Flying solo can be overwhelming, especially for those who identify as wallflowers as opposed to social butterflies. From telling them they can’t bring a plus one to creating a singles table, these are a few of the things single guests can’t stand.

Have you ever shown up at a party alone? It’s pretty daunting, right? Especially if none of your close friends are there. Well, this is often how single wedding guests feel. If you want to avoid making them feel singled out, there some pitfalls you should definitely aim to avoid.
Here are some things single wedding guests can’t stand.
When they can’t bring a plus one
It’s considered good wedding guest etiquette to allow people in serious relationships to bring their S.O. along to weddings, but singles don’t always get plus ones. Allowing them to bring along a buddy will make their evening a whole lot more enjoyable, so, if you can work it into your budget, we suggest allowing them a plus one.
When travel and accommodations are extra expensive
Nobody likes to spend a ton of money on travel and accommodations, but at least couples can split the bill. Single guests are stuck shouldering the cost of gas and lodging all on their own (and that can hit their bank accounts pretty hard). Do them the favour of reserving hotel blocks at different price points and get them in touch with a buddy or two to potentially carpool with to save them a few extra bucks.
When there are only expensive gifts on the registry
Unless they’re raking in a kickass salary, your single guests probably can’t afford pricey items like Vitamixes and designer cookware. You should make your wedding registry friendly to all your guests, so put on a few less expensive items, there’s a good chance you need some of those, too!
When they have too much downtime
Yes, getting your guests to mix and mingle is essential, but too much downtime can be bad news for single guests. With no partner in crime to make the rounds with, they’ll probably resort to bonding with the bartender, which usually equals trouble. If you need a lengthy gap between your ceremony and reception (more than a cocktail hour’s length), think about scheduling an activity like a tour to make time fly by for everyone.

When the playlist only features slow songs
Slow songs are designed for couples, not single ladies and gents. Obviously, this is a wedding, and you’ll want to have your fair share of sappy songs, but try to find some balance. For every “At Last” there should be a “Dancing Queen”.
When the bride or groom becomes their matchmaker
It’s tempting, but don’t turn your wedding reception into your own personalized version of The Bachelorette or The Bachelor. You should be spending your evening enjoying your wedding, not channelling your inner Chris Harrison. Lining up potential suitors for single friends is a far cry from subtle and will probably make them feel more awkward than adored. Sure, you can try to work a little magic by making introductions, but don’t force people together (that works almost 0% of the time).
When they’re seated at the designated singles table
Speaking of not forcing people together, skip the singles table. When crafting your seating plan, try to place people with common interests together. And, before you say it, no, singledom doesn’t count as a common interest.
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