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How to Give an Unforgettable Wedding Toast

Have you been asked to give a speech at your friend’s wedding? We've got all the tips you need to make an unforgettable wedding toast.


Maid of honour giving a wedding toast

Are you one of the lucky ones who’ve been asked to give a wedding toast at your friend’s reception? Don’t sweat! Being chosen to give a wedding speech is extremely flattering and also a great way for you to celebrate the happy couple. Not sure how to give a memorable toast? Just check out these six tips.

Here’s how to give an unforgettable wedding toast.

Have an opener

This is where you can introduce yourself to the crowd and explain how you know the newlyweds. We suggest throwing in a joke here, too. That way you can really grab a hold of the crowds’ attention, right off the bat. Pro tip: if you want even more laughs, here's how to write a lol-worthy wedding toast.

Make it personal

Incorporating an old story about the couple is a great way to make your wedding toast more meaningful. Chances are a lot of people won’t share the same stories or memories as you. So retelling one of your favourite stories of the bride or groom is a great way for everyone to understand the relationship you share with one another.

Keep it short

It can sometimes be too easy to go on and on about those awkward teenage years, so you want to make sure you don’t go overboard. You want your toast to come to a complete circle, therefore make your stories short and to the point. That way the crowd can follow along, and there can still be time for other wedding speeches too!

Best man giving a wedding toast

Don’t make it a roast

Remember not to take your jokes too far. Sure a few jokes here and there can make your wedding toast a little more exciting, but don’t try and make jabs to the couple. The last thing you want is ending up hurting their feelings on their big day. Here’s a list of all the things you shouldn’t say.

End on a happy note

We suggest ending your toast on a positive note that addresses both members of the couple. Don’t just single out the bride or the groom. Instead, end your toast with a compliment towards the couple and how happy you are for them starting their new life together.


Don’t try and wing it. We suggest you run through your speech a couple of times before the reception. Reciting it in front of a few people will let you see if there are any awkward pauses etc. making sure everything runs smoothly when you are actually giving the toast. Simply avoid these wedding speech dont's and you’ll be good to go. And, don’t stress too much! Remember that you are honouring the happy couple and that they are grateful for you toasting to them.        

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