7 Major Honeymoon Don’ts
Heading out on your honeymoon? Be sure to read this before packing your bags and heading to the airport.

Congratulations! You’ve finally reached the end of your wedding planning journey. You’re probably emotionally, mentally and physically maxed out and are ready for some well-deserved R&R. Before you run away to a snowy mountain top, foreign city or sandy beach, we’ve got a few tips for you. Avoiding these no-nos will help your honeymoon go off without a hitch.
Here’s are a few major honeymoon don’ts.
Don’t wing it
You don’t have to plan your vacation down to the second, but you should have a solid idea of what you want to do. If you don’t have the desire to make a full-blown schedule, create a wishlist of beaches, restaurants, galleries and more so that you know where to go when the mood for an excursion strikes.
Don’t bring extra baggage
No, I don’t mean that you should show up to the airport with only your wallet in tow, but there are a few items you should leave behind. Things like office work and thank-you notes should be saved for after the honeymoon, not taken care of while you’re reclining on the beach with a margarita in hand.
Don’t break the bank
You’re probably pretty tired of budgeting (you did a lot of that for your wedding), but it’s not over just yet. Yes, you should splurge on some things - you only get one honeymoon, after all - but you don’t want to arrive home to sky high credit card bills. Give yourselves a limit and try your best not to go beyond it. Pro tip: if you’re reading this long before your honeymoon and have yet to create a registry, opting for a honeymoon registry is a great idea.
Don’t overpack
Everyone is guilty of overpacking at least once in their lives, but your honeymoon should not be that time. Plan your outfits, get rid of extra toiletries and only bring the essentials. You don’t want to spend hours putting your look together when you could be out having fun in the sun with your S.O. Pro tip: check out our honeymoon packing checklist.
Don’t rush
In the immortal words of the S.O.S. Band, “take the time, do it right”. If you have one jampacked day of museum hopping, sailing and snorkelling, maybe dedicate the following day to pure relaxation. You want to have fun, but you don’t want to wear yourself out completely. Try your best to pace yourself and let the chips fall where they may.
Don’t be selfish
You and your partner may be on the same wavelength, but you don’t share a brain. You’re probably going to have to make a few compromises on your honeymoon to make your better half happy, so be prepared. If you get to choose your dinner destination the first night, let them take the reins the following day. Relationships are all about give and take, so make it work - you may discover something that you love thanks to them.
Don’t forget to have fun
This should be the best vacation of your life, so don’t make things too difficult for yourself! If you can’t squeeze in every single activity you planned, that’s fine! Enjoy what does work with your schedule and don’t waste your time stressing over what could have been. Remember, you can always return for a milestone anniversary trip and strike all the remaining items off your honeymoon bucket list.